When it comes to hearing, we believe that perfection isn’t something you measure, but something you feel. That’s why your first experience of a new hearing aid is vital, whether you are a first-time wearer or an experienced hearing aid user. The right hearing solution is key to making you feel connected to your life again with a sound so natural that we know you will be simply amazed from the very first moment.

This unique hearing aid technology is called Widex PureSound™ and forms the heart of our new Widex Moment Sheer™ advanced hearing aids.

What is Widex PureSound?

Widex Moment Sheer high-quality hearing aids deliver unprecedented clarity by overcoming the poor, artificial sound common in other hearing aids. This is made possible thanks to a special sound processor using ZeroDelay™ technology, which delivers the fastest sound processing in any digital hearing aid. ZeroDelay eliminates delay-based distortion and gives wearers a uniquely natural sound that we call PureSound1.

Unrivalled spatial perception delivers that uniquely natural Widex sound

According to other hearing aid wearers like yourself, one of the things that makes PureSound so natural is that the space around them feels right, with a rich and open sound. This unrivalled spatial perception is confirmed by survey data, where 95% of wearers indicate that, with PureSound, they have the impression of sounds being exactly where they would expect them to be2.

Natural sounds contain cues that inform you about your environment: your location in a room, your position relative to your conversation partner, the room’s acoustic properties, and much more. Think of staying at a luxurious hotel, for example. When you compare entering the hotel lobby with enjoying an evening drink in the hotel bar, you might notice that the lobby’s echo matches its grandeur to feel inspiring and welcoming. On the other hand, the more intimate bar has a dampened sound that is designed for private conversations.

Much of this difference is driven by what is known as room reflections. This means how the sound is reflected from the surfaces in the room, and how fast those reflections return to you, the listener. If you are wearing a hearing aid with a standard delay, this may interfere with the timing of these reflections, resulting in an unnatural sound for you that does not match the room. By contrast, the ultralow delay of PureSound means that you experience accurately timed room reflections for a more natural sound. So the hotel lobby sounds as bustling and dynamic as it looks while its bar later that evening sounds as relaxed as your mood.

Proven best hearing aid sound quality even in noisy environments

A range of research demonstrates hearing aid wearers’ clear preference for the advanced hearing aid sound of Widex PureSound over conventional hearing aids.2.
In a recent study, listeners were significantly better at discriminating room locations with PureSound than with standard-delay hearing aids2. In another study, 85% of participants with hearing loss and 100% of normal-hearing participants indicated an overall preference for PureSound when evaluating the entire sound experience3, including speech comprehension in different types of noise. In fact, research shows substantially higher satisfaction with PureSound in noisy environments compared to other hearing aids4, probably because the naturalness and the ability to localize sounds with PureSound make for better, more pleasant hearing experiences in loud environments.

For more information about all the advantages of Widex PureSound contact your nearest hearing care professional using our quick and easy online Shop Finder. If you or a loved one might be living with untreated hearing loss, our free 5-minute online Hearing Test gives an initial indication.

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